
创建时间: 1952年
隶属于: 农业农村部
机构地址: 北京市海淀区中关村南大街8号
官方网址: http://www.ivdc.org.cn
研究生院网址: https://yz.chsi.com.cn/sch/schoolInfo–schId-367898.dhtml
联系方式: 010-62103540
电子邮箱: ivdc82110@163.com
组织属性: 科研机构
所在地区: A区
专业类别: 其他
校徽: 逻科斯考研:欢迎学子报考中国兽医药品监察所研究生!








China Institute of Veterinary Drug Control (IVDC) was established in 1952, and has been Center for Veterinary Drug Evaluation (CVDE) of the Ministry of Agriculture(renamed as the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural affairs in 2018) since 2006. IVDC/CVDE is a public institution at bureau level directly affiliated to Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and also a national level technical organization responsible for the inspection, supervision and evaluation of veterinary drugs. Its duty includes the evaluation, inspection, supervision and test of veterinary drugs and appliances, monitoring of veterinary drug residues, collection of veterinary culture, drafting and revising national standards of veterinary drugs as well as preparation and calibration of the reference materials of veterinary drugs. The technical advantage and full-ranked service of IVDC promote the animal epidemic disease prevention and control in China and safeguard the quality of animal-derived foods.

The headquarters of IVDC/CVDE based in Haidian District of Beijing, has a total site of 82000 square meters, of which the construction area covers 62,000 square meters. The biological experiment base located in Daxing District of Beijing,covers an area of 127000 square meters, of which, the construction area is 34000 square meters.

IVDC/CVDE has 21 departments, 264 staff members, of which, 32 are senior researchers, 84 are associate researchers, 102 are assistant researchers, 55 have the Doctor’s Degree and 109 have Master’s Degree. Two experts enjoy the special allowance of the State Council. Another two are National candidates for Millions of Talent Projects. As an institute permitted to grant master degrees, IVDC has seen 143 graduates left with degree of Preventive Veterinary Medicine. There are 40 veterinary laboratories, of which, BSL-2 covers 13,000 square meters, BSL-3 and animal laboratories covers 3,900 square meters, culture collection center covers 2,000 square meters. There are over 100 sets of GPC, QQQ, and AAS instruments for inspection and research.

WOAH/National Classical Swine Fever Reference Laboratory, WOAH/National Brucellosis Reference Laboratory, FAO/WOAH Rinderpest Holding Facility, National Rinderpest Reference Laboratory, National Reference Laboratory of Veterinary Drug Residues, National Laboratory of Veterinary Drug Safety Evaluation (Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance) are set in IVDC/CVDE. There are also some standing bodies in the institute, such as, Office of the Commission of Chinese Veterinary Pharmacopoeia, Office of National Expert Committee for Control of Veterinary Drug Residue and Antimicrobial Resistance, Office of the Committee of Veterinary Biologics Code (MARA), China Veterinary Culture Collection Center, Office of the Committee of GMP for Veterinary Drugs (MARA) and Guiding Station for Occupational Skill Testing of Veterinary Drug Industry (MARA). In the past 68 years, IVDC/CVDE has won 129 prizes of provincial, ministerial and national level. For example, Lapinised Classic Swine Fever Vaccine, Attenuated Brucellosis Vaccine (Strain II), Attenuated Swine Paratyphoid Vaccine and Combined Clostridia Powder Vaccine have been the leading position in the world.


